Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Made for Goodness

Archbishop Desmond Tutu has a new book out called Made for Goodness. In a recent radio interview, Renee Montagne of National Public Radio asked Archbishop Tutu about the book and his life. Here is an excerpt that especially moved me.

MONTAGNE: Have you found that your relationship to God has changed as you've grown older?

Archbishop TUTU: Yes. I am learning to shut up more in the presence of God.

(Sound bite of laughter)

Archbishop TUTU: You know … you have a kind of shopping list that you bring to God. But more and more, I think you are trying to grow in just being there. Like when you sit in front of a fire in winter, you are just there in front of the fire, and you don't have to be smart or anything. The fire warms you.