Saturday, April 11, 2009

Time Traveler

Well ladies and gentlemen, I’ve finally done it. I am a TIME TRAVELER! I’ve often joked with people about the possibility of time travel. You’re familiar with the “Back to the Future” movies and “Time Machine” books and films. Now, even one of the most popular science fiction programs on television called “Heroes” has a character named “Hiro” who can stop time and move forward and back in time…as part of his plan to save the world.

Well, I have traveled forward in time. It’s only a day, mind you, but it’s a start. Now, for the record, let’s stipulate that today is Saturday, April 11, 2009. The time stamp at the bottom of this text tells you when I actually posted this entry. I don’t control the time stamp. That’s done by some large computer in a faraway place…so we can trust that it’s accurate, right?

Well, earlier today when I sat down to read copy of The Washington Post that was delivered to my house, I opened the paper to the editorial pages and found – low and behold – I traveled to Sunday and came back to today with tomorrow’s paper. I’ve included a couple of pictures to prove it. I have not manipulated these photographs in any way except to crop them to fit in this space so you can see the date. These are authentic photographs, taken on Saturday, April 11, 2009, of the newspaper that will be distributed…TOMORROW.

Note to the amazed and confused: This disturbance in the time space continuum must be the result of the Post’s ongoing restructuring of its newspaper. All the other pages in the front section bear the correct date of Saturday, April 11. Only pages A12 and A13 bear the mark of Sunday, April 12. Perhaps it's just editorial writers and opinion makers who are time travelers. Let’s see what happens tomorrow.

-- Pat Jones

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