Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Perversity of Things

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to do something, you just can’t make it work. I’ve been trying to get a certain computer program to work for me, and it is failing. I’ve used this program 1,000 times before. It has worked in the past and now…NOTHING. It’s frustrating to me, but also a lesson that I’m not in control and I can’t always have my way. It’s also a lesson that I need to ask for help from others who know these things better than I do. It could also be a lesson that it’s very late at night, I’m tired, and perhaps I’m forgetting some essential step. Perhaps I could easily accomplish the job with a fully rested mind and body. Who knows? In any case, the feeling of powerlessness – over computers, the weather, world history, the result of an election, or even how the toast turns out when it emerges from the toaster – is a sign. It’s a sacrament, I suppose. A visible manifestation of the presence of God in the world.

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