Sunday, March 1, 2009

God's Covenant with All Creation

Dear Friends,

Today we marked the First Sunday of Lent listening to an inspired sermon by the Rev. Dr. Kate Sonderegger. The readings tell us about God's covenant with Noah following the great flood and the new covenant foreshadowed by Jesus's baptism in the Jordan River. In the Genesis reading, God tells Noah that he is placing a bow in the heavens as a sign that "the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh." The bow represents a limitation on the despair that may befall humanity. In a similar fashion, the Gospel of Mark tells us there is a new name for the limit on our despair. That name is Jesus. I know I'm not doing justice to Kate's wonderful sermon, but I thought you should know about the amazing preaching we experienced at the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist today. Many blessings on you!

-- Pat Jones (Vestry member, evangelism)


Anonymous said...

I hope others will join the discussion.
-- A friend

Harrison said...

I also thought the sermon was excellent along with Deacon Cynthia. The sermon on Sunday makes me want to learn more about the Bible. Along the same lines, St. Clement has given me the opportunity to feel extremely comfortable in the congregation. I remember the first time that we came to St. Clement and felt instant friendship - The people of St. Clement's always have open arms to all visitors. We Thank God for our paths to come to this wonderful congregation.

The blog is a wonderful idea.


Anonymous said...

It's wonderful that we have such great preachers in our parish: John, Cynthia, Kate, etc. Thanks to all!

Dice said...

I am just trying out this blog. Also note the Church Web Site Saint Please feel to include any comment about the web site.