Saturday, March 28, 2009


“What’s on TV tonight?” I asked my nearly 14-year-old daughter Maria. “Kid’s Choice Awards,” she said. I didn’t hear her correctly, so I replied, “Yes, I always try to use a good choice of words.” Then I turned to see Maria doubled over in laughter so hard that no sound was emanating from her mouth. That’s when I put 2 and 2 together and realized she had said, “Kid’s Choice Awards.”

No matter how close two people are and no matter how well they understand one another, communication can break down. Sometimes, the communication breakdown has humorous results, as in the current circumstance. Other times, a communication breakdown results in conflict, fighting, genocide, or war.

As we make a “good choice of words,” let’s not assume that the listener actually hears what we say. Let’s verify. And verify again. And give others the benefit of the doubt. And not jump to conclusions. Misunderstanding is easy. Ending a war is hard.

-- Pat Jones

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