Friday, March 6, 2009

Lift Up Your Voice

Recently I had a conversation with Patrick Crerar about evangelism. I’ve been reflecting deeply on what he said: “Evangelism is about sharing the Good News and joy we have with those who either have not heard it, forgotten it, allowed themselves to get distracted, or otherwise are not receiving the hope in Christ. Evangelism is about them."

I began this blog (literally, “web log”) as a way to share my reflections and yours on the life of our community here at the Church of Saint Clement. I am now convinced that this blog has a much larger and more important mission. This blog is about sharing the Good News and joy we have with those who either have not heard it, forgotten it, allowed themselves to get distracted, or otherwise are not receiving the hope in Christ.

You can help your neighbor to hear and share the Good News. Maybe you don’t feel comfortable speaking face to face with others about your faith. That’s okay; you’re not alone. Maybe you don’t feel comfortable working in a soup kitchen or spending the night in a hypothermia shelter giving comfort to men who seek refuge on a cold winter’s night. That’s okay too. But, if you are reading these words right now, then you do have the gift of reading. And if you have the gift of reading, in all likelihood you also have the gift of writing. At the very least you can write, “Amen.”

I invite you to write your “Amen” to the reflections and comments in this blog. Your Amen, YOUR VOICE could be the voice that helps someone who is distracted to find and receive the Good News and joy we have. YOUR VOICE could be the voice that calls someone out of darkness into the light of Christ.

I invite you -- as you read the reflections on this blog -- to lift up your voice. Think about the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:

Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

You can do something for one of the least of your brothers simply by being a witness to your own thoughts about the reflections on this blog. Write a comment on this blog. It’s simple. Click here to learn how. Someone, somewhere will read your words on this blog -- and your words will bring them home.

“Peace be with you.”

-- Pat Jones


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your thoughtful piece Pat, and for setting this up. Chris Yeannakis (in case I am anonymous after I navigate the rest of this...)

Seth Kahan said...

Pat, these are powerful words and deeply moving. Thank you for pouring your soul out in such an expressive way. The visual appeal of your blog is beautiful. I look forward to reading what you post. I have subscribed using rss. Blessings on your path.